Hacking life by never giving up!


I don't know if you guys have seen the movie Zootopia but man, you guys are really missing out. This is fast becoming one of my all time favourite Disney movie of all time. The characters, the plot, and the art, it all works so incredibly well. The messages in Disney movies are obvious right? They literally repeat the line "Not going to give up " 10 times in the first 30 minutes.

I feel so lucky to be in a generation where movies like these are able to give kids hope. Movies like this demonstrate the real world in a relatable way. Just like the social classes constructed in the movie, the same is apparently in the real world. The social class of predator which represents the strong, while prey represents the weak. The movie covers a lot more but I just want to focus on the message of "Never giving up". Everyone wants to just jump on board and try to defy opinions by mirroring Judy Hopps (if you don't recognise this character, she is the main character of the movie who never gives up). I don't think we are all like Judy Hopps because, as you can see being motivated is not a constant feeling. It cannot be contained. Dr Russ Dewey derived that motivation oscillate and this is because "The organism is forced to choose between two different desirable stimuli"

That is why I believe we are more like Nick Wilde. The sly fox who also had a dream. The fox's dream(SPOILER ALERT) was crushed by the prey when they oppressed him in his younger life. Ever since then, he gave up. The desirable stimuli in this situation I believe has to be, not to get hurt again, thus giving up to not have to fail. 

You and I are both individuals who once also had dreams and aspirations. I know that some of you like me have had your dreams crushed to bit wether it is not being tall enough for sports or just social pressures. We all just gave up on it, on being the first president, the fireman, the doctor. I know that you know that you are limiting your potential. You all might know what I'm about to say next, blah... blah.... blah.... that you can reach your potential and what not. I'm not here to do that to be honest, I'm here to tell you, to go tell yourself that. Go on..... Tell yourself..

Most of us aren't gonna have a Judy Hopps hop (oh excellent pun) into our life and to give us that little push. Sometimes the only person you can trust for that boost is, yourself. This person is gonna have to be the reason why you wanna achieve your goal. Are you ready to once again face the reality of this world that does its utmost to put you down and knock you out? Or are you gonna face every punch with a smile and a cheeky wink?

So what is it gonna be?
The Red or the Blue Pill

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