Life Hack 1 - Motivation


Hey Guys / Gals
It’s just so fitting that I start off with something that a lot of people struggle to find, motivation. It is something that comes sporadically and leaves so suddenly. When was the last time that you put off doing something productive leaving it till tomorrow? Was it some school work that you wanted to get ahead on? Was it to strive to reach your fitness goals? I struggled and am still struggling with motivating myself sometimes. I often look back with guilt at the end of my day after reflecting on what accomplishment I’ve made that day. The day that I will never again get back. Listen it’s hard to stay motivated, I know. Weighing at a staggering 75kg just after reaching high school which is at the age 13, I was obese. I didn’t need any doctors to tell me that. All I needed to do was to look in the mirror. What got me up? What got me to shed the pounds to now being 18 and less then 75kg. I’m telling you, it’s definitely not sitting on my iPads or phone. I’m telling you its not because I took some magical pills from Ellen or Dr Oz. It was finding the reason why I wanted to do it. The reason to not be laughed at all the time, to accomplish something in my life for once. This motivated me, I’m not here to congratulate my achievement. I’m here to congratulate you readers. You guys found the motivation to go seek out, motivation to improve yourself.
Listen, everyone is born with a talent, everyone is born with greatness, no body is born to be just another number. Do ‘something’ that means ‘something’ to you. Nobody succeeded by sitting on their bottoms. If you want to loose weight, do it. Want to do well in school?, do it. Do whatever it is that you want to accomplish but make sure once you start, you don’t quit because its hard. You don’t give up because you couldn’t do it on your first try. Let me tell you something, no seed ever grow into trees in the matter of days, it takes diligence and consistent work caring for the seedlings so that great tree may one day sprout. Some of the most wonderful things come from sacrifice. The sacrifice of single hood to becoming parents. Sacrifice to give up what you once were to be who you dream of being. Don’t do it for anyone else, do it for yourself, prove to yourself that you can achieve a goal if you put your mind into it.
Reading through, you must have noticed that most of my motivation comes mentally. You might think that I’m talking nonsense. You must realise that there is a reason why your brain consumes 70 % of your body’s energy consumption. That’s because the brain is more powerful then the body. What I’m saying couldn’t possibly work, what do you have to loose? What did Steve Job do after dropping out of college? What did Kerstin Helle do after being diagnosed with obesity? They all tried, and thats all that anyone can judge you for, thats all you can ever judge yourself for.
What do you have to loose?
Stay Motivated

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