Weekly School Hack


I don’t know about you, but one of the most annoying aspect of school in my experience is the ultimately void of distraction. Ahhh, the good old buddy that never leaves your side, the buddy that is aways there when you need to get your most important work done. I love the guy/gal, of course I’m making procrastination an anthropomorphic thing.
My production level through the year correlates with that of a declining linear chart. I believe that is due to the fact that our friendship between T-dog ( the name I will be referring to my procrastination habits from now on) has grown. T-dog always manages to help me find the most interesting content in the moment. Like “Grandma rapping” or  my personal favourite was that of “Old school Harlem Shake”.
Jokes aside, I have found a few helpful hacks to maybe help you stay more focus during your high-school life.
WARNING: Your friendship with T-dog will be substantially weaken.
The first thing that I found useful is the app ‘Productive – Habit Tracker’. This app really is great because, if you need a constant list of reminders as to why you can’t hang with T-dog today, you got one. It’s an app that strive to keep your reminders up front so that you can easily tick off what you need to get done for the day to ultimately maximise your productivity level.
Second thing that I found to be very helpful is to spend time alone. I know it’s a daunting task especially in high-school, but hear me out ok? Spending time alone is actually very helpful. This act allows you to basically find out what defines you as a person, not what your friends think of you. During this time, you actually recognise your biggest flaws as well as your greatest strength. It could be for example, I found out that I was very dependent on friends, even when they weren’t the best of friends, I would just try to tag along to try to preserve an image of “having friends”. Also reflecting also help me saw that I had a pretty bad friendship with T-dog. Arggg
Both of these hacks I’ve personally used myself, both of which I believe I benefited from especially in times of Netflix binge nights (Thursday, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sunday)  or during other important events such as staring contest with the ceiling. Although, I sometimes forget how these contest starts anyway.
Hopefully you found one of the hacks to be useful.
Message me for Topic Suggestions.

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